Strawberry Picking is one of the best family activities that you could ever want to do. It works on so many levels. Firstly, wives just love Strawberries! I don't care if it is ice cream, cake, shortcake, cheesecake, parfait, sundae or dipping in whipped cream, let alone with champagne or straight up just as it is, the ladies like Strawberries, period!
Then you have the kids, running around trying to find the perfect one and when they find it they talk about the strawberry as if its their long lost cousin and presto it is gone down to their stomachs within seconds and guess what miraculously they find another strawberry 2 seconds later that was better than the last and the process repeats itself over and over again.
The great thing about Nagasaki is that these Strawberry picking places and their massive greenhouses are everywhere so in reality you don't have to travel very far to find them. The one we went to was the unlimited picking and eating variety and it was reasonably prices at 1500 yen (approx $15 US) and 800 yen (approx $8 US) for the kids. The Strawberry picking season is generally between February and April as this is when the fruit is at its optimum sweetness and juiciness.
As for me, I hit the road running, came out of the blocks fast as a cheetah but alas we all have our limitations and mine is apparently unlimited strawberry eating. By my estimation I hit the wall at 60 and couldn't force another strawberry down. Maybe you will have better luck than me when you try your hand?
Click on the link to see Strawberry Picking in Nagasaki
on a map:
Click on the photos below to enlarge:
Now that`s a strawberry |
Looking for the good ones |
Sweet and delicious |
The face of someone who has eaten too many strawberries!
The wife and kids didn't hold back! |
Another one bites the dust |
Last one! |
My take home pack |
These aren't ready for eating yet! |
Please check out Nagasaki Strawberry Picking on the videos below:
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