Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Kokonoe Suspension Bridge- Kokonoe Town, Oita Prefecture

The Kokonoe Suspension bridge in Oita Prefecture on the island of Kyushu is one of those magical places that you really can only get to by use of private transportation. The location is very rural and obviously natural and scenic sites like this aren't possible in largesr urban cities.

It can be akin to walking across the sky. Japan's longest and loftiest pedestrian bridge presents panoramic scenes of Oita's spectacular countryside, including two waterfalls, the Naruko River and the valley floor 173 meters below.

Now, if you are like me and extremely scared of heights then you can bypass this location but for those into this sort of adventure/ scenic travel then this place is for you.  Having said that yours truly did get out there and participate in this special attraction and I must say that it looks more dangerous than it really is.  The wind was blowing heavily on my visit and I wasn't sure if I could do it but more posting purposes I sucked it up and gave it my best shot. I hope everyone appreciated the angst and peril I felt throughout the experience.

The bridge is designed to hold 1,800 people at once, which may seem like a lot until you consider that 300,000 crossed it during the first month it was open in 2006. Views from this bridge are impressive year-round, however the best time to visit is between April and early December, particularly from mid-April to May to see the lush green spring foliage, and in November for the fiery autumn colors. However be advised that every Tom, Dick and Keiko will be here too enjoyed all those yellows, reds and orange hues. It could be an extended wait in peak times.

See the Kokonoe Suspension below on a map:

Please click on the photos below to enlarge:

The map

Taking a memory Photo

Opening times

From the side

Autumn hues

The entrance

Lush greenery in september

The waterfall far below

The dimensions

I look fine but..........

Please click on the videos below to see more of the Kokonoe Suspension Bridge:

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