Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Dassai Sake Brewery- Iwakuni City: Yamaguchi Prefecture

Anyone who has ever drunk Sake, done some basic investigation and learnt about this very traditional Japanese alcoholic drink, knows that Dassai is a leader in its field and has taken Japanese Sake from a ho hum everyday product to a drink that is admired around the world. In many ways, it is the crem dela crem of Japanese Sake and as a result the reputation of Sake and also its profitability and popularity especially from a international customer perspective has reach atmospheric levels.

You see, sales and consumption of sake, traditionally regarded as Japan’s national drink, have been in decline for some time. From a peak of 1.675 million kiloliters in 1975, consumption had dropped to just 589,000 kL in 2010. Part of this decline can be attributed to the tendency among younger people to drink less, together with increased sales of alternatives like beer, whisky, and wine. Over this period, the number of sake breweries fell from more than 3,000 to around 1,500.

Dassai in some regard has reversed this trend. It has revolutionized the Sake Industry and brought it into the 21st century ready to compete with others within the Sake Industry and with its worldwide competitors selling other similar products like Gin, Whiskey, Wine, Vodka and Tequila.  Now in many regards around the world Dassai can compete and beat its international rivals with its appeal, marketability and overall image on a variety of levels.

I initially had my 1st Dassai drink 10 years ago and was immediately hooked. Don't get me wrong I have had many great Sake labels over the years but in truth none of them have impressed me as much as Dassai.  Of course Dassai is not considered an everyday Sake (unless you have the financial means) but without a doubt it is seen as a drink that needs to be brought out around close friends and family as well as for major celebratory events.

Dassai values quality over quantity and the President of the Company points out that the social role of sake has changed with time. What people are looking for today is not a cheap intoxicant but a quality product that can be savored for its taste. Sakurai says his key target market is not long-term drinkers but those who may be new to the pleasures of sake. “We are targeting the younger generation, who drink far less than their parents’ generation. Women are another major untapped market,” he says.

On this day, I headed to the factory with a level of nervousness/ excitement that I haven't had in quite a while. Once I arrived, I knew immediately that this location will be a hit with any Sake enthusiast. Whether or not we are able to secure a 1 hour Factory Tour entirely in English I am sure that the overall level of satisfaction will be achieved.  I was like a child in a candy store!  Of course there was no tasty on site (no drink driving in Japan) but I did take a take home pack to share with my wife, who is also a Dassai fan like myself.

I did grab the sampler pack with the revered Dassai 23. This Sake has been polished down to 23% of its original size, in other words the rice has been dissolved thru fermentation to 77% of its original size. This Daijigo type Sake will impart silky smooth flavor and a fruity aftertaste with a nice aroma.  It is for these reasons that Dassai 23 is the flagship product and will continue to lure customers from within Japan and around the world.

I am sure I will be posted more and more about the Dassai scene as I visit the factory more and more over the coming months.

Please check out the Dassai Sake Brewery here on a map:

Please click on these photos below to enlarge:

Kuma San design


The brand

Product display

Tasting menu

Sample packs

Special event corner


Ready to drink

Pretty landscape

Deliveries never stop

Tasting location

The lucky tour members

New supplies

My take home pack

Lots of Sake being made